Our Services

We provide bespoke clerical sewing services for all aspects of your ministry, directly from ours. It is our aim to provide clerical wear, day wear, church furnishings and more. We are a new business with growing range. Between us our team have more than 100 years of sewing experience plus fifty years of church life to draw upon. Everything that we currently offer is a direct response to the needs of our customers so do get in touch with suggestions of your own.

Cassocks, Albs, Surplices & more

We make bespoke cassocks, albs, surplices and stoles here in our workshop in Bristol. Phone or email to talk to us about your needs.

Alterations & Repairs

We can alter or repair your vestments and clerical wear in our workshop. Contact us to discuss your project.

Made to Order

We make clerical daywear, shirts, blouses and formal wear to order. Get in touch to discuss your ideas.

From our ministry to yours …